veteranslilo chat
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Weathering life's storms

Weathering life's storms

About this space

Join us for transformative weekly sessions focused on building emotional resilience and expanding your window of tolerance. Your window of tolerance represents the range of emotional arousal within which you can effectively cope with stressors and engage with life's challenges. When your window of tolerance is narrow, you may find yourself easily overwhelmed by emotions or unable to regulate your reactions. Through intentional practices and techniques, our sessions aims to expand this window, empowering you to navigate challenging situations with greater ease and resilience. Our focus will be on cultivating practical strategies for building emotional resilience, enhancing self-regulation, and expanding your window of tolerance. By honing these skills, you'll develop a profound sense of inner strength and stability, enabling you...


Thursday May 9th 12noon PT

60 min

Introduction session


Facilitated peer support group guidelines for participants

In order for the group to function effectively, it is essential to establish a safe environment where expectations are understood and honored by the members.

Do not share personal information
Space of mind platform offers a way to stay connected with other members of the group via a secure chat.
  • - Do not share your full name
  • - Do not share personal contact information
  • - Do not arrange any in-real-life meetings

What's said in the group stays in the group

Maintaining confidentiality within the group is crucial. What is shared in the group should remain strictly within the group. Feeling psychologically safe within this setting is fundamental for a successful group experience, and all members and facilitators share the responsibility of upholding this confidentiality. While you are free to disclose your group membership to others, please refrain from discussing specific details about fellow members outside the group to preserve their privacy.

Please be kind

Space of mind is your place to connect over difficult experiences. Please enter sessions with empathy. Avoid giving advice. Please leave your politics at the door and show up as a fellow human being. You can disagree with each other on opinions but be respectful about it. Use welcoming and inclusive language.

Please be cautious in the wording you choose:

  • - No violent language
  • - No discriminatory comments or jokes
  • - No sexual material
  • - No threatening one another or yourselves
  • - Posting or “threatening” to post someone's personal information
  • - No personal or political attacks
  • - Do not promote or advertise toxic behaviors or mindsets
  • - Do not mock, bully or troll anyone on this platform.

Please participate!

The potential for healing and growth rests on how much group members are able to connect, share, and learn from one another. It is important for all group members to authentically participate for the group to be effective.

Safety First

The safety and well-being of all group members are paramount. If you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm, suicide, or harming others, please reach out to suicide and crisis lifeline at 988. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.

By joining this session you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.